Vehicle Warrant of Fitness  $69.00

Trailer Warrant of Fitness $59.00


Is your Warrant of Fitness coming up for renewal? Get onto it soon if you want to avoid costly WOF infringement notices. Plus there’s safety to consider – your annual Warrant of Fitness check makes sure your vehicle is fit to drive.

At Five Star we are authorised to conduct WOF checks and issue a new Warrant of Fitness. If your vehicle needs repairs to pass the test, we can do that too. We’ll always call and give you a cost estimate before any work is carried out. Our basic WOF service is just $59.00.

While you can just pop in, we recommend you make a booking to ensure you’re back on the road as quickly as possible. If you live or work within a five kilometre radius of Barry’s Point Road, we can pick your vehicle up and drop it off again – or give you a lift.

Our service includes text and email reminders, so that you’ll never miss a WOF again.

Five Star’s WOF service is MTA Assured. Book now!

Call us on 09 486 5015